Vextend Office Help Page

This help site is a work in progress. I will attempt to add new documentation as features are worked on within the Extension. So far the only info is for Gift Cards and enabling API access.

Main features

Other Help Info

Label Printing

Lightspeed's main label printer Plus, sku's are created as part of the barcode and appear fuzzy. Additionally, the workflow is not optimized for minimal clicks, and label printing is not available from some obvious pages.

Label Printing Methods

The old window is still the default option. To change back to the improved In-Page Popup, navigate to the Extension Options.

Label printing can be handled two different ways:


Stock Control Tools

Super Import

Vextend Super Import allows you to import items into a purchase order that are either brand new items or existing items. Super Import will search for existing items (based off supplier code), and bring up relevant existing details if details have changed. Barcodes can also be assigned during this process. See video for a tutorial. Please Note:

Other Stock Control Tools

Gift Card Management

Unlock more tools for managing gift cards than what is provided by default in Lightspeed.

  1. Vextend Sell gift card management features requires access to the API. None of these features will appear if API access is not enabled.
  2. To begin, go to Reports>Gift Card Reports.
  3. By default, you see Lightspeed's normal reporting tool, but you can't make any edits. (If you were to go to Products>Gift Cards, you can enable gift card, and set default expiration dates. If you need to add a lot of cards, that's still the best way to do it.)
  4. Assuming you are still in Gift Card Reports, click the button 'Use Vextend Gift Card Tool Instead.
  5. You will now see an updated table of info with more data.

Exiting Vextend View

To return to the normal view, refresh your page (F5). After each save of new/edited cards, the page will automatically refresh.

Filtering Cards

  1. By default, all cards are showing because all filters are set as 'Show' (blue). If you click on a filter, any it will remove any cards that match that condition from your view.
  2. You can also click on Column Headings to sort.
  3. For more advanced filtering/sorting, use the Export button to save as a CSV.
  4. If you need to search for a specfic card number, just use your browser's built in search features (Ctrl-F).

Exporting Cards

  1. You can export the list as a .CSV by using the Export button.

Creating New Cards

When you are selling gift cards in Lightspeed, you should always sell via the Sell Screen. However, there are times where a card will be sold elsewhere that you need to activate. For example, if you sell online with a non-integrated provider, or are trying to issue cards without a transaction (such as donating cards), the only way to activate cards is via the Gift Card import from Products>Gift Card. Vextend provides an alternative solution.

Please note: Creating gift cards in this manner goes outside the normal Lightspeed transaction flow. When you use this tool, no users will be attached to the sale, and there will be no physical transaction that can be looked up for this card. From the Lightspeed part of the reports, you will still be able to see when and amounts of transactions, but clicking 'View Transaction' will lead no where, because there is no actual transaction. We are simply forcing balance changes to the card. Because of this, only allow access to computers with this API enabled for people you fully trust.

  1. Make sure to follow the steps above to enable Gift Card Management.
  2. Now, click the 'Create New Card' button. 
  3.  Fill in the Card Number and Value to Add fields. Expiration date is optional and will use account default if left blank.
  4.  Click 'Activate Card' to activate. If it worked, a short message will appear and the page will refresh now showing your new card. 

Editing Gift Cards

  1. Make sure to follow the steps above to enable Gift Card Management, and read the important notes under Creating New Cards.
  2. In the list of cards, click the pencil icon on any row to edit.
  3. Card number field is locked. Click a different pencil to load a different card
  4. Fill in the Value to Add field. Positive value will add a balance, negative value will reduce the balance. Zero amounts are not allowed by Lightspeed. If you are simply trying to change an expiration date, you will need to run two transactions where you add $1, and then subtract $1. This will still affect the total sold value. It's not perfect, but it's a workaround.
  5. Expiration date is optional and will use account default if left blank.
  6.  Click 'Edit Card' to activate. If it worked, a short message will appear and the page will refresh now showing your new card info. 


Workflows are a special part of the Lightspeed API that is only available to Enterpise plan customers. However, it might be able to be added for a minimal or no cost by contacting support.

Even if you have workflow support in Lightspeed, at this time this feature is only available to users with special permission from us as we have to put some load on our server to provide this feature. Please contact us if you are interested in being an early tester.

Weighted Items

This new feature helps out stores that have weighted items. By default, items always ring up as qty 1 on the sell screen, but there is no way to prompt the user for a weight, so you must rely on staff remembering to change the quanitity. Using Workflows, from the product edit page you indicate which products are weighed. Then, if a cashier tries to advance to the payment page with any of these items rung up for a quanitity of '1', a confirmation message will appear forcing the staff to check their items before continuing. At that point they can edit the item or continue the sale. The devices running the register do not need the extension to use, so this is compatible for both iOS and web devices.

Extension Options Page

By default, the options page is locked to admin access only (can be changed after an Admin logs in).

Unlock Settings Page as Admin

Possible Settings

Please note that any user of the device will have access to any features that are enabled. For example, if API access is setup and the Gift Card feature is enabled, any user of this device can access the Gift Card features even if no one is logged in. Protection only applies to being able to change the settings.

API Access

API access allows Vextend unlock features where it can access more data than what is visible on a page, and in some cases push new info into the database for your store. This extension only uses API access when necessary, and your API token resides locally in your browser. Any features that require API access will not be available unless you have enabled it.

API access currently unlocks additional features on the following pages:

Enable API Access for Vextend

  1. First, you need to get an API token. See Lightspeed's instructions here. Treat this token like a password, and only use it on computers with trusted users. You can delete a token from your account at any time to remove access.
  2. With the token copied to your clipboard, go to the Vextend Options (make sure you have unlocked protection on the options page). Click on the plug extension icon to the right of your addess bar in Chrome. (If you don't see the icon, click the puzzle piece icon, then click the pushpin next to Vextend).        
  3.  In Vextend Options, paste the token and fill in your store's (or domain.
  4. Click 'Test Connection'. If it worked, you will get a popup that the connection test worked.
  5. To complete, you must click the 'Save API Access' button.
  6. Now, reload any page that requires API access and the new features will appear.